Resume regarding Rev. Dr. John Dekle
Born and raised by Christian parents in a family of eight in Detroit, Michigan.
Saved at the age of five.
1962 Life consecrated to Christ and called to reach and teach children for Christ.
1965-1966 Work with the Home Missions Department of the Baptist General Conference on a gospel team called God's
Invasion Army (GIA) setting up visitation programs and conducting children's meetings for local churches, training lay
people skills in visitation/witnessing and conducting children's evangelistic meetings.
Met DiAnna in GIA and married June 1967. Di was saved at the age of five. Prior to GIA she attended Bethel College. She grew up in Minnesota. In 1966 Di taught school for missionary children in Mexico.
We have two sons, Timothy (5/17/70) and Robert (2/15/73). 3 grandchildren and 6 great grandchildren.
1966-1969 Served three years in the US Army in New Jersey and Hawaii.
1973 Graduated from Vancouver Bible College with a Bachelor of Religious Education.
1973 Teachers Diploma Evangelical Teacher Training Association.
1992 Graduated from International College and Graduate School with a Master of Arts in Religion degree (emphasis on
Christian education).
2009 Graduated with a Doctor of Religious Studies in Christian Education from Trinity Theological Seminary.
1973 Ordained into the gospel ministry in April by the Bay Community Baptist Church, Blaine, WA.
1970-1977 Traveled conducting Children's evangelistic campaigns in many states and Canada.
1973 Served as the interim pastor for Aloha Baptist Church in Kailua, Hawaii in 1973.
1973-1977 Clark County Child Evangelism Fellowship® (CEF®) Director in WA.
1975 Graduated from CEF Leadership Training Institute.
1977-2011 State Director for CEF of Hawaii
1981-2006 Instructor at International College and Graduate School, Honolulu, Hawaii.
1987 Interim pastor for the Chinese congregation at First Chinese Church of Honolulu, Hawaii.
2000 Joined the Honolulu chapter of the American Association of Woodturners.
2011 Moved to Harrison, TN in September.
2012 Joined Tri-State Woodturners and became the Secretary and Newsletter editor.
2013 Interim Pastor of New Bethel Baptist Church (February - July).
2016 Interim Pastor of New Bethel Baptist Church (January - October).
2021 Awarded the Best Chapter Newsletter in the nation for the American Association of Woodturners.
Primary gifts are teaching and administration.
An emphasis within the local church has been administration, children's church, adult Sunday school plus preaching and teaching in various churches in the community. Equippint teachers to spiritually nurture children from a Biblical perspective has been a lifelong passion and the thesis of my dissertation found on this web site under the tab "Resources".
Demonstrator for Tri-state Woodturners.
Member of American Association of Woodturners & Tri-state Woodturners (Previously Honolulu Woodturners)
Hobbies include wood turning, fishing and collecting carnival glass.
"Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business and to work with your hands." 1 Thessalonians 4:11
6310 Cedar Cove Lane, Harrison, TN 37341 + (423) 364-1268 + [email protected]