John was raised in a Christian family of eight in Detroit, Michigan. It was there he was saved at the age of five and called of God to minister to children in 1962. He spent a couple years on a gospel team (God’s Invasion Army) that toured the Pacific Northwest the first year and the East Coast the second year. It was during this time he met DiAnna who spent most of her growing-up years on a farm in Minnesota. She also was saved at the age of five. John enlisted in the US Army in 1966 and served in New Jersey. That year Di went to Mexico to teach school for missionary children. In 1967 they married and set up their first home in NJ. Shortly after that Uncle Sam sent them to Hawaii for a tour of duty.
After three years in the US Army John attended and graduated from Vancouver Bible College with a BRE. From 1969 - 1973 they lived in Birch Bay, WA where John became the first pastor of Bay Community Baptist Church. The congregation of 29 people met in a rented Grange Hall. During the next four years God blessed tremendously so the church could organize, purchase 5 acres of land, clear it and build an auditorium and educational wing. The congregation grew extremely close and increased to 85 in attendance. The church ordained John into the gospel ministry in April 1973.
While at Birch Bay John and Di’s two boys, Timothy and Robert were born. They returned to Hawaii for the summer of 1973 to fill in as the interim pastor of Aloha Baptist Church for a friend who was on furlough. When they left Hawaii they returned to Washington state moving to Vancouver as the local director for Child Evangelism Fellowship® (CEF®) where they served for the next four years. In 1975 John and Di both graduated from the CEF Leadership Training Institute. They continued to travel doing children’s evangelistic meetings around the various states and Canada as they did while in Birch Bay.
Although very content to stay in WA, God made it clear John was to move with his family to Hawaii. This was a step of faith as they had to raise their financial support and move to a different culture. It proved to be a very positive move and their love for the Lord and the Islands kept them in Hawaii working as the state director for CEF of HI for the next 35 years. In addition to providing leadership for the ministry of CEF in Hawaii John often preached in local churches. From 1981 - 2006 John helped influence leaders for the kingdom of God as an instructor of Christian education at International College and Graduate School. It was at this institution John received his Master of Arts in Religion. He went on to earn his doctorate from Trinity Theological Seminary in 2009.His dissertation, "Equipping teachers to spiritually nurture children from a Biblical perspective", can be found under “Articles” on this web site. Di managed the CE Bookstore for 15 years while in Hawaii.
Since moving to Harrison, TN God provided opportunities to serve Him in ways different from what was originally planned for retirement ministry. Twice John has stepped into the role as interim pastor for New Bethel Baptist Church. This church has a loving group of people that have graciously accepted John and Di and offer so many opportunities to serve the Lord.
John’s primary spiritual gifts are teaching and administration. An emphasis within the local church has particularly been in children’s church and adult Sunday school classes plus preaching and teaching in various churches in the community. His hobbies include wood turning, fishing and collecting carnival glass. Di is a diligent home maker given to hospitality and she loves to sew, read and solve Sudoku puzzles. With their diverse background and experiences John and Di are available to help others in any way they can.
“Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business and to work with your hands.” 1 Thessalonians 4:11
Dr. & Mrs. John Dekle + 6310 Cedar Cove Ln, Harrison, TN 37341-9668 + (423) 508-8051 or (423)364-1268 + [email protected]
After three years in the US Army John attended and graduated from Vancouver Bible College with a BRE. From 1969 - 1973 they lived in Birch Bay, WA where John became the first pastor of Bay Community Baptist Church. The congregation of 29 people met in a rented Grange Hall. During the next four years God blessed tremendously so the church could organize, purchase 5 acres of land, clear it and build an auditorium and educational wing. The congregation grew extremely close and increased to 85 in attendance. The church ordained John into the gospel ministry in April 1973.
While at Birch Bay John and Di’s two boys, Timothy and Robert were born. They returned to Hawaii for the summer of 1973 to fill in as the interim pastor of Aloha Baptist Church for a friend who was on furlough. When they left Hawaii they returned to Washington state moving to Vancouver as the local director for Child Evangelism Fellowship® (CEF®) where they served for the next four years. In 1975 John and Di both graduated from the CEF Leadership Training Institute. They continued to travel doing children’s evangelistic meetings around the various states and Canada as they did while in Birch Bay.
Although very content to stay in WA, God made it clear John was to move with his family to Hawaii. This was a step of faith as they had to raise their financial support and move to a different culture. It proved to be a very positive move and their love for the Lord and the Islands kept them in Hawaii working as the state director for CEF of HI for the next 35 years. In addition to providing leadership for the ministry of CEF in Hawaii John often preached in local churches. From 1981 - 2006 John helped influence leaders for the kingdom of God as an instructor of Christian education at International College and Graduate School. It was at this institution John received his Master of Arts in Religion. He went on to earn his doctorate from Trinity Theological Seminary in 2009.His dissertation, "Equipping teachers to spiritually nurture children from a Biblical perspective", can be found under “Articles” on this web site. Di managed the CE Bookstore for 15 years while in Hawaii.
Since moving to Harrison, TN God provided opportunities to serve Him in ways different from what was originally planned for retirement ministry. Twice John has stepped into the role as interim pastor for New Bethel Baptist Church. This church has a loving group of people that have graciously accepted John and Di and offer so many opportunities to serve the Lord.
John’s primary spiritual gifts are teaching and administration. An emphasis within the local church has particularly been in children’s church and adult Sunday school classes plus preaching and teaching in various churches in the community. His hobbies include wood turning, fishing and collecting carnival glass. Di is a diligent home maker given to hospitality and she loves to sew, read and solve Sudoku puzzles. With their diverse background and experiences John and Di are available to help others in any way they can.
- Turning Wood into Beautiful Treasures
- Turning Fabric into Valued Gifts
- Turning Retirement into Productive Opportunities
“Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business and to work with your hands.” 1 Thessalonians 4:11
Dr. & Mrs. John Dekle + 6310 Cedar Cove Ln, Harrison, TN 37341-9668 + (423) 508-8051 or (423)364-1268 + [email protected]